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How it works?

Based on your needs enter a description or a website URL. If you provide a URL, our tool automatically retrieves the site's meta description. We then use that description—or your custom input—to perform a keyword analysis and search across database of 30K+ products, delivering the most relevant results based on the content you’ve provided.

Trends & Insights

I've pulled together some interesting insights from our dataset of over 30,000 products sourced from Product Hunt. To keep things relevant, I've filtered out products with fewer than 5 votes from database leaving 30K+ products from December 2022 till July 2024. I think you'll find some useful trends and patterns here.

Graph 1

Tremendous imbalance in disctibution of votes across the spectrum

Graph 1

Pareto principle at work. Top 20% products have 74% of total votes

Graph 1

Good number of solomakers and bootstrapped products overall but that numbers halves when considering top products

Graph 1

One third of all products launched past year were AI based.

Graph 1

Trend of AI products over past two years

made by @teerthx

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Find Your Comp - Discover relevant products with AI-powered search | Product Hunt